
California Fair Employment & Housing Comm. v. Gemini Aluminum Corp. 2d A.D. B165771

When the employer failed to reasonably accomodate its Jehova's Witness employee's wish to go to a religious convention that was held to be a form of study or worship, without reason, the Court held that the employer was in violation of the FEHA.

Judgment REVERSED.

Vetonator Part Zwei

Gov. Schwarzenegger vetoed two "off-shoring" bills, AB 1829 (preventing any state work from being moved overseas), SB 888 (no moving homeland security work offshore). The Sacramento Bee reports. The Governor, however, shored-up the Foie-Gras technology industry here in California.

And just in case you need a laugh because it's not Friday yet... read this. The Money Quote? "The third time it came in, I lassoed it and dragged it outside. . ."